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What is Mechanical Design?

Mechanical design is the process of designing mechanical components, products, and systems. For instance, it entails the development of numerous machine components such as shafts, bearings, clutches, gears, and fasteners. 

Numerous design criteria have been presented for design processes; some of the fundamental design criteria include functionality, safety, durability, manufacturability, weight, size, wear, and maintenance. In general, design challenge should be stated succinctly and completely, including function statements, specifications, and evaluation criteria.

  • Functions define the tasks that a product can perform. Typically, functions are described using nonquantitative statements. Typical product functions include; charging electronic devices (chargers), cleaning floors (vacuums), transporting goods (mobile platforms), and supporting loads (structure).
  • Specifications are comprehensive needs that are expressed quantitatively. For instance, product requirements may include dimensions, weight, precision, working volume, speed, and load capacity. In problem-solving procedures, specifications become design limitations.
  • Evaluation criteria are the statements of desirable qualitative characteristics. Evaluation criteria are viewed as design objectives to optimize problem-solving solutions. Mechanical design evaluation criteria are established to maximize the benefits and reduce the drawbacks of mechanical designs.

While the number and priority of specifications and criteria vary according to product design, certain design considerations are universally applicable to mechanical systems. These factors include the ability to withstand loading, deformation, stability, and durability. To optimize products, the influence of these assessment criteria on design aspects must be modeled and analyzed. This chapter discusses the mathematical concepts that control common engineering design problems. And how finite element analysis (FEA) is used to examine mechanical systems in terms of loading capability, stability, and fatigue life.

Requirements of Mechanical Design

Throughout the design service process, there are processes for designing; assembling, and animating each aspect of the product. At these stages, it is required to do calculations on each element. It requires using analytical and numerical solution methods based on the actual operating conditions.

Mechanical Design is a multi-step process that entails both engineering calculations and sketching. Along with modeling, the design process involves several steps; including material selection, geometric optimization, and topological optimization. The design process encompasses not only the creation of the model. But also its calculation and determination of the ideal design for the operating conditions. Mechanical design is a sophisticated process that involves engineering expertise and the application of sophisticated computing skills.

What is the Process

Mechanical design is a skill that combines design talent with technical knowledge. Without technical understanding and design competence, designs are unlikely to be realized. The process of design begins with establishing the general qualities. It then moves on to a draft design or, as it is sometimes referred to, a concept design.

In general, mechanical design is guided by five fundamental concepts:

  • Balance
  • Proportion
  • Visual Hierarchy
  • İntegrity
  • Highlighting

The products that are generated as a result of these values are critical. Again, there are design techniques called DesignX. Among these are design for manufacturing, design for assembly, design for logistics, and quality design. To summarize, design is a methodology and a process that must be carried out systematically. In this regard, it is a form of process management.

If you’re wondering how to get professional help with mechanical design, contact us!